Spotlighting stories about the brightest youth and young adults in America and throughout the Diaspora.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Young, Gifted and Black - The Beginning

In a world where there is a plethora of news stories about African-Americans making bad decisions, causing grief and presenting images that are less than favorable, this site aims to shed LIGHT on those that are Young, Gifted and Black.

When I was younger, they called my Generation - Generation X. The "X" factor - the unknown. And unfortunately, that X was not a tribute to Malcolm. It was often accompanied with words like "misguided" and "lost." Gee thanks!

That offers a lot of inspiration!

Don't believe the HYPE. Yes, we have it harder in some ways than the generations before us. There are less resources. Our natural environment is decaying. And competition is bringing to life some terrible behavior.

However, there are those out there who still represent those that are YOUNG, GIFTED and black. In all sorts of fields. The best is still yet to come.

From week to week, I'll provide links to those I come across.


Blogger Zach Williams said...

Powerful and Inspiring at the same time!

Thank you!

9:13 AM


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